You and Your Health: Travel Vaccines

You and Your Health: Travel Vaccines

With Good Measure Pharmacy, Rotherham As summer arrives, holiday season kicks in and some of us will be jetting off abroad. But if you’re bound for a tropical destination, protect yourself against any unwanted souvenirs – tropical diseases. Tropical diseases are those found in countries around the equator where the...

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You and Your Ho Ho Health

You and Your Ho Ho Health

As it’s the season of festivities, this edition’s health topic is a light-hearted take on what advice I would give to three popular Yuletide characters. Father Christmas The outlook for jolly old Saint Nick is bleak, as his poor diet, busy lifestyle and lack of exercise are wreaking havoc on...

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You and Your Health: herbal remedies for stress

With Goodmeasure Pharmacy, Rotherham Everybody has times when we feel stressed from the mounting pressure we face. This has been intensified in recent years with additional worries about health or finances.  Stress isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It’s your body’s natural reaction to a situation based on the ‘fight or...

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You and Your Health: Liver disease

You and Your Health: Liver disease

Liver disease is on the rise, with one in five at risk of developing liver disease. But did you know 90 percent of cases are preventable?

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You and Your Health: Reviewing your medication

You and Your Health: Reviewing your medication

Many people need to take prescription medication on a long-term basis to help alleviate symptoms of chronic health conditions. But are we using some medicines for too long?

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You and your health: Why is my body attacking itself?

You and your health: Why is my body attacking itself?

In the UK, there are four million people living with an autoimmune condition, whereby the immune system mistakenly attacks the body’s healthy tissues. Normally, the immune system guards against germs such as bacteria and viruses. When it senses an invader, it sends out an army of fighter cells, aka the...

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You and Your Health: How can your local pharmacy help you?

You and Your Health: How can your local pharmacy help you?

With Goodmeasure Pharmacy, Rotherham Community pharmacies are a common fixture of high streets, neighbourhood centres and even supermarkets, with each playing a vital part in helping people live longer and healthier lives. Nationally, we make around 1.6million visits to over 11,000 pharmacies every day. In fact, most people see their...

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You and Your Health: Digestive Disorders

You and Your Health: Digestive Disorders

With Good Measure Pharmacy, Rotherham Bowel movements are one of the most natural – and important – facts of life, so why are we still so privy about toilet talk? Knowing how to keep your bowels healthy can help prevent a range of common digestive disorders which, if ignored, can...

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You and Your Health: Men’s Health

You and Your Health: Men’s Health

With Andrew Watson of Goodmeasure Pharmacy We might like to think it, but us men are not invincible. We’re all guilty of taking better care of our car or phone than our bodies, but unhealthy work and personal lifestyles, as well as poor health education, are putting men at risk...

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Living with type 1 diabetes

Living with type 1 diabetes

A diagnosis of type 1 diabetes can be life-changing for families, but one Rotherham teenager won’t let her condition stand in the way of life.

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