Harley’s Cynthia Shaw receives MBE

Harley’s Cynthia Shaw receives MBE

It was the crowning glory to a wonderful year for Harley’s Cynthia Shaw as she was formally presented with her MBE from King Charles III at an investiture in December. After being told she had been awarded an MBE for services to the community in Rotherham as part of last...

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Free first aid course to help you save a life

Free first aid course to help you save a life

Would you know how to help someone having a medical emergency? Someone has a heart attack every five minutes. One in five of us will witness someone needing CPR after collapsing. But most people don’t act on it. Only 30 percent of people receive bystander CPR. That hesitancy is often...

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Santa brings cheer to Rotherham Hospice families

Santa brings cheer to Rotherham Hospice families

December may be a very busy time for Santa Claus, yet he always makes time to bring some Christmas cheer to Rotherham Hospice. Santa has been a supporter of Rotherham Hospice since before the hospice was even built 27 years ago. For Santa, knowing he can spread a little Christmas...

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Royal sail of approval for Pearl

Royal sail of approval for Pearl

South Yorkshire charity, The Ethel Trust, had the pleasure of welcoming the royal family’s ‘trustiest anchor’ Princess Anne to officially launch their second barge, Pearl. The Princess Royal had flown into Sheffield by helicopter to view the new state-of-the-art community barge that will be used by the Ethel Trust for...

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Lest we forget the Rotherham poppy appeal volunteers

Lest we forget the Rotherham poppy appeal volunteers

The poppy has become the symbol of remembrance, a way for us to honour the armed forces community past and present. But we must also not forget the volunteers who give their time each November to run the poppy appeal on behalf of the Royal British Legion. The Rotherham, Rawmarsh...

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Double Celebrations for The Ethel Trust

Double Celebrations for The Ethel Trust

The team of volunteers at Sheffield-based charity, The Ethel Trust, are celebrating this summer after receiving the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service in recognition of the exceptional support they provide for disadvantaged people in South Yorkshire.

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